Author Archives: Donald

How do rest periods affect your muscle growth

One of the most important yet most hotly debated and misunderstood aspects of a good workout routine are rest periods. Rest periods are crucial for muscle growth. How do rest periods affect muscle growth and what’s the optimal rest period? Let’s explore these questions. ==> Why Rest Periods Are Crucial There are a few reasons…

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Fat to Fit What You Need to Know

Have you discovered the secret to quick weight loss? The truth is there is no secret. What there is are many unique ways that share similar characteristics. It’s time you learned what you need to know to go from fat to fit. Deciding on a weight loss, muscle building program has a lot to do…

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How to Quickly Get Lean

You’ll be happy to know that there’s no reason you can’t build muscle and lose fat fast. Once you’ve turned fat into muscle, with a few changes to your lifestyle you can look lean and fit for the rest of your life. But how does one get started in building muscle and losing fat? Glad…

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What It Takes to Develop Six Pack Abs

Six pack abs is one of the most common goals of people who get into body building. Yet it can seem very elusive for most people, as they can work out for weeks and months without seeming to make any progress. That’s because most people go about building six pack abs wrongly. It’s not just…

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How to Lose Weight as Fast as Yesterday

If you’ve heard it once you’ve heard it a thousand times – fad diets won’t give you permanent weight loss. But… what if, you want to lose a few pounds fast. It’s hard not to try the Cabbage Soup Diet or Lose 21 Pounds in 21 Days Diet. While these diets might work is this…

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How to let go negative habits

We all do things that can be annoying or that others find troublesome. Sometimes, we even have a habit that’s irritating to us (even though we’re the ones doing it), but we find ourselves doing it over and over anyway. Discard your negative habits with these easy forming steps: 1. Identify the issue. In order…

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What are the Benefits of Amino Acid Supplements?

Amino acid supplements can contribute to a variety of health rewards to those who want a healthy mind and body. Amino acids that are found in supplements are used by every cell in the human body and support many vital roles. The important amino acids are usually acquired through food intake and can also be…

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