Author Archives: Donald

What is the function of the amino acid arginine?

Amino acid arginine is an essential amino acid and is present in the proteins of all life forms. It is classified as a conditionally essential or semi-essential amino acid because under normal conditions the body can produce sufficient quantities of amino acid arginine to meet physiological demands. However, in times of stress conditions such as…

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Losing extra pounds…#6

Are you making the commitment to lose weight and get in shape? Then, you are probably trying to decide how much weight should you lose. Setting goals are very important. Setting the right goals for you may be one of the hardest things to do. Not making goals for yourself is to invite failure to…

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Identify Your “Why” to Build Inner Motivation

One of the most important questions you should ask yourself when you’re beginning your body-building journey is: Why? This question is so crucial, yet many people fail to ask it. If you have a clear, concise and well-grounded answer to this question, you’ll be able to stick with your exercise routine through good times and…

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Losing extra pounds…#5

It may seem that when “that time of the month” is coming around that you start dreading a lot of things. One of the most common issues is wondering how much weight gain is going to take place this time? While it may seem that you really pack on the pounds, it isn’t as much…

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Losing extra pounds…#-4

Are you looking for a free list of negative calorie foods? These are the foods that actually take more energy to consume than the calories they contain, so it’s easy to understand why anyone who wants to lose weight would be going for these types of foods. Here is a short free list of negative…

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Losing extra pounds…#-3

It is amazing how much weight can be lost by eating more. Many people will have you believing that to lose weight you need to be eating less. By less, they usually mean less often. This isn’t necessarily the case, though. One of the most important meals of the day is breakfast. You heard that…

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Losing extra pounds…#-2

Is water retention a big problem for you? If it is, then you are probably trying to find how much water weight you can lose to get to that shape and weight you have as your goal. The solution to losing water weight may seem like an odd one. If you are trying to lose…

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Losing extra pounds…#-1

Do you have to exercise for weight loss? There seems to be conflicting opinions on this but most would agree that a combination of eating right and exercise is the best approach to losing weight. You can compare our bodies to very fine tuned machines that use whatever we put into them to operate. If…

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What is a body building diet?

In body building, your diet is one of the most effective weapons you can have if you want to achieve maximum potential. Diet is so important to the body builder as it not only supplies the body with the energy needed to perform your exercises as well as giving you the nutrients you need to…

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Facts about Muscle-Building Supplements

Open any fitness magazine and you’ll fine ad after ad promoting supplements, diet pills and protein shakes. With every product proclaiming itself to be the one thing you need to put on the muscle you’ve always wanted, how do you actually decide what kind of supplement to take or not to take? ==> The Magic…

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