Why Everyone Wants A Six Pack

Awaken The Abs Within

The six-pack has taken on a level of importance in people’s imaginations that is stunning to behold. The lengths to which people will go to look better and have rock-hard abs are impressive, but can be a little bit scary too. Why do people go to such lengths to have something that many other people seem to manage well without?

In some ways, the mythology that surrounds the six pack comes from the same place as the peer pressure that is often blamed for people developing eating disorders. It is not quite true to say that where girls develop eating disorders, guys will over-exercise to achieve a six pack, but there is definitely some spirit of truth in the argument.

Just as young female pop stars and celebrities tend to be skinny and energetic – which encourages those who idolise them to try and be the same – the male objects of female desire tend to be quite “sculpted”. Male pop stars are frequently possessed of a “six pack”, and lusted over by girls and gay men. To be more attractive, guys will often seek to develop a six pack of their own.

There are ways and means to achieve the six pack, and this is an important consideration. Some people will take short cuts to get the look, and when you take a short cut you may well be at risk of taking a wrong turn. There are ways to achieve the look without taking a wrong turn, and it is important to avoid this.

Six Pack Abs Exercise
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