The advantages of being fit

Awaken The Abs Within

There are many benefits from regular fitness training that will have ongoing positive effects on the quality of your life.

Prevention of illness is one of the most important aspects of maintaining a healthy body.
It has been proven that regular exercise and the heightened levels of health that develops from this exercise can help to reduce the incidence of diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases and strokes.

Exercise can reduce hypertension and many other ailments.
As well as this, fitness training can help people have a more positive outlook on life and improve their self-confidence.

Regular exercise releases endorphins in the body that help to fight the symptoms of depression and give us a feeling of happiness.
It only takes a little more than 10 minutes of continuous exercise for the body to start releasing endorphins.

Another chemical that is increased in the body during and after exercise is serotonin. This occurs in the central nervous system and is also responsible for making us feel happier and reducing the possibility of depression.
Serotonin also assists in getting better sleep and that in turn helps with better workouts through increased energy.

Fitness can become addictive as we start to realize these benefits of feeling better in both the mind and the body.
The more fitness training we do the more of these ‘positive’ chemicals are released into our body and we get happier and healthier with each passing day.

By reshaping our body with exercise, and particularly resistance training, we feel better about ourselves and this also helps to build self-esteem and self-confidence.
This flows over into all aspects of life and we begin to find that even work and family life benefit from the more positive energy that fitness training brings.

Regular exercise is the key to success as energy builds with consistency and this make the training easier to handle and more enjoyable.

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