Losing extra pounds…#-3

Awaken The Abs Within

It is amazing how much weight can be lost by eating more. Many people will have you believing that to lose weight you need to be eating less. By less, they usually mean less often. This isn’t necessarily the case, though.

One of the most important meals of the day is breakfast. You heard that growing up and may not believe it to be true, but it really is. It is a shame that it becomes one of those meals that we run out of time for. We get so caught up in trying to get our day going that we end up neglecting the one meal that may end up making the rest of the day better for us. We get a little hungry and we get our morning fix by running by our favorite coffee shop to get a large one to go and maybe a danish or pastry of some kind. This isn’t the best thing for us either. We may curb our hunger for a little while, but our bodies will still be starved for the good stuff later on.

What are the benefits of eating breakfast?

1) It’s like filling up your gas tank first thing in the morning. Getting a good healthy breakfast can help you get more done through the day without having to be interrupted. It doesn’t mean that you won’t be hungry, but you will start off the day with the right kind of energy and your blood sugar will be at a better level. This means less down time for you.

2) It helps your brain and nervous system function properly. It essentially just gets your synapses firing on all cylinders. Your brain is sharper and your decision making skills are better. Your memory is also improved.

3) Breakfast makes you less prone to binge eating. If you wait until lunch to eat you will become more hungry. This means that you will try to find more food to eat and will make you less picky in your selection. You want to curb that hunger so you run down to the closest fast food restaurant and buy the biggest size of whatever big burger you are craving. Not only will you eat a lot, you will eat it fast. Eating fast most likely means you are eating more than you need. You are getting food down so fast that your body doesn’t have time to figure out that it’s full until it’s too late.

4) Eating breakfast helps you lose weight. It’s not just breakfast, though. It’s eating several times a day. Eat early and often to help you lose the most weight. Breakfast plays an important role in all of this. If you skip meals, your body begins to think that it’s starving and will go into storage mode thinking it must preserve as much as possible. That is when it turns into fat. It can also slow down your metabolism and your ability to burn fat. When you eat that healthy breakfast, you are letting your body know that you aren’t going to be starving it today so it doesn’t have to worry about storing it. It also gets your metabolism going and ready to burn fat all day.

When you eat breakfast and regular meals throughout the day, you will really be impressed with how much weight can be lost if you decide to eat more.

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