Fat to Fit What You Need to Know

Awaken The Abs Within

Have you discovered the secret to quick weight loss? The truth is there is no secret. What there is are many unique ways that share similar characteristics. It’s time you learned what you need to know to go from fat to fit.

Deciding on a weight loss, muscle building program has a lot to do with your personal preferences and tastes. It should also be based on your level of commitment. After all, there’s no point in choosing a program that requires you to work out every day when you are only willing to work out three times a week.

There are all kinds of fad diets on the market that would like you to believe they have something that no one else has. The reality is most of these diets are similar. And while they have worked for many the key is being able to keep the weight off long term. If you decide to use a fad diet then you also need to have a long term plan in place and you need to be ready to make the lifestyle changes necessary to keep the weight off.

The truth is if you are looking to lose weight and gain muscle mass quickly, there are only a few tried and true methods to do this. Here are some great tips to help you burn fat and build muscle.

1. Four days a week, you need to do 45 minutes of moderate free weight strength training.

2. Add high intensity cardio workouts that are 15 minutes in length and done three days a week.

3. Incorporate a nutritious well balanced diet into your life. Avoid junk food, processed food, and convenience food which has little nutritional value and far too many wasted calories.

4. You should not eat two hours before bedtime. Eating too late turns these calories into fat.

5. Drink lots of water. In fact, you should be drinking at least 6 8oz glasses a day. Water removes the toxins from your body and it also fills you up. Have a glass of water before you sit down to eat and you’ll eat far less. Got the munchies, drink a glass of water. Water also provides the necessary hydration to your muscles.

Building muscles and losing fat is not a onetime occurrence. It requires you to make some changes to your lifestyle. To keep the weight off you will need to continue to exercise and eat healthy. The good news is losing the weight isn’t nearly as difficult as many would have you believe. Why not start today?

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