Category Archives: Super Supplement Support

What are the Benefits of Amino Acid Supplements?

Amino acid supplements can contribute to a variety of health rewards to those who want a healthy mind and body. Amino acids that are found in supplements are used by every cell in the human body and support many vital roles. The important amino acids are usually acquired through food intake and can also be…

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Best Vitamins and Supplements for Hair Loss

A well balanced diet along with vitamins and supplements definitely promotes optimal health, but it also promotes healthy hair, and in the process slows down hair loss. Vitamins and supplements are able to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, so why not hair loss? While there are no miracle cures to be found…

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Myths about Vitamins and Supplements

When it comes to vitamins and supplements, there is so much misinformation out there that it is hard to know what to believe about them. There are many false claims from manufacturers, self-proclaimed health gurus with misleading information, and all of sorts of well-meaning people who simply don’t know what they are talking about. Combined…

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Where to start with your Supplement intake

Deciding what vitamins and supplements to take depends on what you are using them for. There are so many new vitamin variations and supplements on the market today that it can become confusing as to which vitamins and supplements will work for your particular situation. Researchers are also finding new uses for the standard vitamins…

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Overdosing on Vitamins and Supplements?

People who have experienced the positive effects from vitamins and supplements sometimes get carried away and think that if a low dose works okay, then a higher dose will work much better. In some cases this is true, such as, if you are trying to prevent a cold by taking extra vitamin C. However in…

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