Category Archives: Healthy Habits for Mind and Body

How to let go negative habits

We all do things that can be annoying or that others find troublesome. Sometimes, we even have a habit that’s irritating to us (even though we’re the ones doing it), but we find ourselves doing it over and over anyway. Discard your negative habits with these easy forming steps: 1. Identify the issue. In order…

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How to make exercise habit forming

Everyone knows they need to exercise, but most of us haven’t been able to turn exercise into a regular habit. Maybe you want to build some muscle. Or perhaps you’d like to lose some fat. Either way, you want to feel better, be healthier, and be more proud of your body. Maybe you joined a…

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Success- Opposed habits

Does it seem like success is eluding you? Success is only as close as you allow it to be. Surprisingly, it’s something that you have complete control over and can easily will into your life. If it’s so easy, you might wonder, then why don’t you have more of it? Have you stopped to think…

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How to break a Habit in 30 Days

Bad habits can be hard to break. Regardless of the habit, destructive behaviors keep you away from the life you desire. Unhealthy habits can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health and leave you feeling as if you don’t have enough control over your impulses. While change is frequently challenging, having a…

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How to Form New Habits

How many times have you heard that it takes just a few weeks to develop a new habit? The truth is a bit more complicated than that, but there are scientific ways to help you lock in the changes you want to make. The myth about behavior becoming automatic in 21 days started when journalists…

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5 Tips to Break a Bad Habit

Let’s face it: we all have a bad habit or two that we would like to get rid of, whether its smoking, biting our nails, overeating, or a host of other afflictions, it may be easier to eliminate it than you imagine. With a little perseverance, willpower, and determination, you can be free from that…

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