Although there are differing levels of importance placed on the way we look, pretty much no-one would ever turn down the opportunity to have the perfect body if getting there did not demand too much from them. But this in itself raises some questions. What exactly is the perfect body? How is it achieved, and will some people simply never have what for them constitutes the best body?
The concept of a perfect body could be described as “flawed” right out of the gate. Even from a point of view of those who are physically fit, there are many types of bodies that are perfect for different things – the perfect athlete’s body, the perfect footballer’s body and the perfect body for weight lifting. So let’s assume you are after the best beach body – the one with the abs.
Getting perfect abs will involve doing abdominal exercises. This is just a fact. Even if you accept that there are supplements you can take which are not banned by pretty much every sporting body on account of being dangerous, you will have to do what is necessary to enhance those abs even when the fat is burned away.
You cannot hope to have the perfect body simply out of a box – you’ve got to work for it. Is this such a bad thing anyway? By following a process you will be able to monitor the changes that the process takes you through and adjust to them, making you far more confident when the process reaches its end.