Author Archives: Donald

How to Lose Weight as Fast as Yesterday

If you’ve heard it once you’ve heard it a thousand times – fad diets won’t give you permanent weight loss. But… what if, you want to lose a few pounds fast. It’s hard not to try the Cabbage Soup Diet or Lose 21 Pounds in 21 Days Diet. While these diets might work is this…

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How to let go negative habits

We all do things that can be annoying or that others find troublesome. Sometimes, we even have a habit that’s irritating to us (even though we’re the ones doing it), but we find ourselves doing it over and over anyway. Discard your negative habits with these easy forming steps: 1. Identify the issue. In order…

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What are the Benefits of Amino Acid Supplements?

Amino acid supplements can contribute to a variety of health rewards to those who want a healthy mind and body. Amino acids that are found in supplements are used by every cell in the human body and support many vital roles. The important amino acids are usually acquired through food intake and can also be…

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Get the fat out of here.

Most people are becoming overweight not just in North America but in other parts the world. The number one way to lose pounds and keep it off is: eating right and exercising daily. Some people look for a quick-fix magic pill that will shed their pounds the very same day they start taking it. One…

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For a few pounds less

Ok so, you’ve decided you want to lose some weight (just a few pounds or maybe a huge chunk of your body m\/ass), you’ve done the research…right, on diets, plans, gyms, exercises, basically what you can find on -show me the abs-. You probably realized that most credible sources will inform you that weight loss…

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How to make exercise habit forming

Everyone knows they need to exercise, but most of us haven’t been able to turn exercise into a regular habit. Maybe you want to build some muscle. Or perhaps you’d like to lose some fat. Either way, you want to feel better, be healthier, and be more proud of your body. Maybe you joined a…

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4 Muscle building myths

Bodybuilding is a field that’s often flooded with a lot of conflicting advice. While conflicting advice can sometimes have two right answers, very often the advice that’s given is just plain wrong. In this article, we’ll expose four of the most common muscle-building myths. ==> Myth #1 – Eat More If You Want to Build…

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